Thursday, September 13, 2012

Works Cited

Chandler, Raymond. The Simple Art of Murder. New York:
          Vintage Books, 1950. Print.
Chandler, Raymond. Trouble Is My Business. New York:
          Vintage Books, 1992. Print.
Clark, Al. Raymond Chandler in Hollywood. Los Angeles:
          Silman-James Press, 1996. Print.
Effron, Malcah. "Fictional Murders in Real 'Mean Streets':
          Detective Narratives and Authentic Urban
          Geographies." Journal of Narrative Theory
          39.3 (2009): 330-46. MLA International
          Bibliography. Web. 29 Aug. 2012.
Fisher, Rudolph. The Conjure-Man Dies. 1st. Ann Arbor: The
          University of Michigan Press, 1992. Print.
Hamilton, Cythia. Western and Hard-Boiled Detective
          Fiction in America: From High Noon to Midnight.
          Houndmills: MacMillan Press, 1987. Print.
Malmgren, Carl D. "The Crime of the Sign: Dashiell
          Hammett's Detective Fiction."Twentieth Century
          Literature. 45.3 (1999): 371. Print.
Moore, Alan, and Dave Gibbons. Watchmen. New York: DC
          Comics, 1987. Print.
Salzani, Carlo. "The City as Crime Scene: Walter Benjamin
          and the Traces of the Detective." New German
          Critique: An Interdisciplinary Journal of German
          Studies 100 (2007): 165-87. MLA International
          Bibliography. Web. 29 Aug. 2012.
Ward, Elizabeth, and Alain Silver. Raymond Chandler's Los
          Angeles. New York: The Overlook Press Woodstock,
          1987. Print.

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